France 5 | Silence ça pousse !
Participation in the Silence ça pousse! programme on France 5. When we told the film crew that to follow us on a “Morta extraction” expedition, we had to leave the workshop at 6.30 a.m., they ...

La Maison France 5 with Stéphane Thebaut
As they wanted to make a documentary about the region, the France 5 film crew wanted to stop by to see the workshop. It was the first time that journalists did not accompany us into ...

France 3 | Ils sont Les Pays de la Loire
Ils sont les Pays de la Loire France 3. Portrait directed by Camille Pitron This was a new experience for us. Firstly, because for the purposes of the shoot, we agreed to set off on ...

The TF1 news in Brière | Calm and beauty of the marsh
1 p.m. French people are having lunch, taking a break at the office and turning on their televisions. Between two bites of bread spread with a little butter with Guerande salt, they listen attentively to ...

L’Écho de la Presqu’île resonates throughout Atelier JHP
The very popular (in the Guérande peninsula) regional weekly called L’Écho de la Presqu’île congratulates cutler Jean-Henri Pagnon for his Artisan of the Year 2021 award. The paper devotes an article, an inset on the ...

TF1 | Reportages Découverte
Participation in Reportages Découverte TF1. Directed by Laura Chemouny. This documentary is very special, inasmuch as a scheduling coincidence allowed the TF1 crew to accompany us into the marshes for a Morta extraction (admittedly), but ...

France 5 | 100 lieux qu’il faut voir
Participation in the programme “Les 100 lieux qu’il faut voir”. Directed by Chloé Chovin. The director was interested in our region, among her local discoveries she wanted to do a close-up on Morta, its extraction ...

The 1 o’clock news on TF1. Directed by Laurent Giraudineau
An express shoot and an equally quick airing ! A little short visual digression that has the merit of clearly explaining our work and objectives. Duration: 1 minutes and 33 s.

Magazine “Reportages” broadcast on TF1.
Directed by Vanessa Dubreuil. The documentary dealt with career changes. The first “big” documentary in which I participated. I say “I” because I was the only person in the workshop at the time. So the ...

Regional news France 3
A rather conventional approach: “We are interested in old crafts that still prosper…” But it was one of the first TV programmes in which I took part, so a sort of souvenir in the history ...

AFP Report
AFP Report – A report by Agence France Presse. Directed by Anne Meyer. Occasionally there are images that generate something elegant, authentic, classy. For me: Concorde, the Citroën DS, Yves Mourousi who used to tell ...

Douces France report Arte
Directed by Laurent Martein. The first report in which I participated. First time before the cameras and my friend Michel Crusson (guide in Brière) was there to assist me. The director’s idea was to propose ...